I’ve been hearing this acronym being thrown around a lot lately (like we needed another one). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the growing practice of work places and schools allowing workers and students to use their own computer / tablet / mobiles instead of the ones provided.

bring your own device
Bringing your own laptop to work is like showing up in your pyjama's. A little weird at first, but ultimately very comfortable.

I must say, I am very much in favour of this. There are some concerns around security, the main one being an unknown device on an internal network but that can be mitigated somewhat with a bit of network planning. In any case, most work places are geared up for “cloud” computing already with most services being delivered precisely so workers can work remotely.

Some years ago I was a CTO at a small IT company and the boss (like most people holding the purse strings) really wasn’t altogether happy about spending too much on PCs for the workers. I was so unimpressed with the budget and resources provided I bought my own laptop into work and didn’t use anything else for about 4 years. I’ve never looked back since. The next job I applied for some years later, I advised the owners after the interview that I’d be using my own computer. Being cheapskates, they were all too happy to allow me.

On the one hand, it’s a shame my employers didn’t contribute a single cent to expensive computers I had to supply and maintain. On the other, it’s a big tax deduction for me and I’d rather buy my own very nice computer to work with than be tethered to some crappy compromise every day just because of their budget.

It also means you become the custodian of your own computer. As a dev, I like my rig “just so”. And would’t like to be at the behest of office IT policies or terminal and network limitations. If I leave a job, I give them a copy of their data and walk out with my computer.

Most people spend almost all their working lives in front of a computer. If you work in IT, you know how much time that can be. Because of this, I will gladly sacrifice personal funds elsewhere to buy the best laptop I can afford for work. It’s like anything else you work with every day, your chair, desk, computer etc. You are with this stuff for the majority of your life – don’t mess about, get the best you can and save yourself a lifetime of misery.

Besides all this, there is a personal satisfaction that comes with device ownership. Where your co-workers might change their desktop wallpaper to a photo of their family / pet dog / distant holiday you have your whole machine with you, complete with your music collection, personal apps, bookmarks etc. I do, however, recommend setting up a work “profile” on your computer though at least to separate your 9-5 workflow from your personal on.

Your boss may own you for those few hours he/she pays you for – but they can never take away your freedom!

Bring Your Own Device. 


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